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Flamex system detects and eliminates common sparks

Dust collection systems in industrial facilities carry an inherent risk for fires and explosions. Combustible dust particulate can be highly explosive when it becomes airborne or disperses during the material handling process, according to Flamex Inc.

“It may only take a single spark to ignite such a volatile mix that is often present in dust collectors, silos and bins,” the company said in a statement. “The Flamex system detects and eliminates common sparks generated by processes such as size reduction, drying and numerous other possible sources.

“Infrared detectors sense sparks being transported through ductwork to a dust collector. The system then triggers an extinguishing device located downstream from the detectors and effectively extinguishes the spark within a fraction of a second. The short spray time results in no downtime or clean-up. The Flamex system can also be programmed to activate other extinguishing agents, abort gates and equipment shut down. Thousands of installations exist worldwide.”

For more, visit booth 6534 at IWF 2018.

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